WCA Philippines Livelihood Project in Palawan

Working with indiginous families in the highlands of Palawan, showing farming techniques. Also helping to develop  tourism and sustainable projects, allowing them to send their children to school and keep their traditional values and way of life.

WCA representative Sisang de la Cruz with Denn Monio started phase 1 by and holding a workshop and giving donated seeds, The project was formerly run by World Vision but because of various communication difficulties, was stopped. Sisang is working to renew these ties and together with local agencies and government, fulfill the original aims for the people.

Phase 2 will begin with Sisang’s visit in Mid Febrary 2019.


New Partnership for WCA in DRC!

A local NGO, TAD, supported by the government Social Fund for Development has offered assistance to the WCA project, Hope For Children centre. They will assist with training. On completion of certain conditions, they will provide financial support to 60 orphans in Goma City, DRC. This organisation is looking after the needs of up to 1000 orphans in various regions and providing cooking burners to destitute families.

Conditions for their on-going help include building a new centre. We have already bought the land on which to build this, now are in the process of planning to making this a reality.

Carpentry project in Goma

In 2022, we sent funds to the WCA people to start a carpentry training centre. Basically for those orphaned children who have grown up and left our foster care system but need to learn a trade. We continue to support them, while learning. However, as of March 2023 the situation in Goma has become so unstable, with refugees flooding in and short supplies of everything, that this had to temporarily stop. We look forward to continuing this project, as there are many children who would benefit.

Indigenous Pala’wan tribe and the FAITH project: Food Always In The House!

Reviving our help for the Pala’wan tribe in Palawan, Philippines, we started a Go Fund Me campaign to raise money for chickens, aiming to buy 5 chickens for each of 54 families. With grateful thanks to our donors, this goal was achieved by Dec 1st! As the money gets transferred to our account, Sisang is organising the buying and delivery of the chickens. She is working alone for this part of the project, the village that WCA have ‘adopted’. The larger picture of the help for the region involves other tribes and 2 larger foreign agencies, to build drainage, provide water and protect the rights to their ancestral land. Sisang is also working to co-ordinate those efforts.

Stay in touch for updates!

New page turns for WCA Nepal!

WCA Nepal are an official NGO in Nepal and empowered to start self help projects with the wider community.

Meet the WCA committee and volunteers at:- http://www.worldcultureassociation.com/nepal.html

Working with and seeking partnerships with charities, agencies and individuals.

Kindly donate to help start up projects in poor rural areas!


Indonesia in Harmony

Indonesia in Harmony!

New WCA project ‘Indonesia in Harmony’ is underway

With 18,000 islands and 400 ethnic groups, 266 million people have a wonderful mix of cultures.

WCA will hold events eventually large but starting small, to link the people in Indonesia with common bonds of art, music, dance, love of nature and food!


Congo’s President Joseph Kabila’s personal and family business interests are the root cause of the killings and kidnaps taking place in the DRC

IMG-20180423-WA0009Because of the corruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the normal system of social service and infrastructure has broken down. The Goma area in the North East, has seen a spate of kidnappings in the past months, including the well publicised one of two British tourists. No publicity is given to the native Congolese who are held, tortured and whose families have to pay to get them back. The ransom demands are outrageously high and usually have to involve the selling of property and land if any is available. There is strong circumstantial evidence that the police and army are complicit with the criminals, which is why the amounts have to be so high, with so many people to pay off. President Kabila is only interested in preserving his financial empire and the position of power as long as possible. Which is why he is not interested in a rule of law and checks on authority. The only thing important to him is the loyalty of the police and army, thus giving them free reign to extort from the people. His and his direct relative’s business networks extend into every area of the Congo. These have now been exposed by the Pulitzer Centre:-


The world needs to know the depths of his self interest at the expense of his country’s future, so he can be persuaded to stand down as soon as possible and the police and army are reformed to serve and protect the people according to their mandate.

The photo is of a kidnapping gone wrong. Taken in April 2018, it involves WCA volunteers. Two have been killed and one was released after torture, on payment of $3000, negotiated down from the original demand of $20,000. IMG-20180423-WA0004

Mongolia’s President is trying to remove the corrupt head of it’s own anti-corruption agency!

The news reported by Transparency International is slightly wrong, the President is trying oust the corrupt head of the anti-corruption agency,  not neuter the agency. This misunderstanding would be the result of  misinformation by corrupt individuals!
